
I hav never been in winter forest for playin' a role of mighty powerful forester. Initially the idea of photoset was a tad another, but eventually that turned out to be like this.
That felt like we were in the middle of mysterious adventure. Everytime we had to take out our coats, we were getting through this cold but intriguing shiver. Both of us had never had a chance of being involved in something like this be4. So afterwards we had realized that these shots r the bestestestest thing that could have ever happened to us some previous times.

Thnx godness that the weather had relented by the day we decided to hav sucha fascinating day)
Cuz to stay in a half-diaphanous dress , feeling all the surges of winter wind, was not da most pleasant feeling. But the shots r makin me delighted. 
Between the snaps we were throwin' some hot tea into our systems, eatin' some delicious cookies,which Nastya managed o put into her bag, were having lots of gigles, were smoking as chimneys and just screwing around in order to warm altough a tad.
 Hada kickass time.
One more dramatic reminiscence interfered ma life,ma dairy,ma blog....)


  1. These shots turned out so well! As cold as it was, you don't look uncomfortable in the photos at all. You just look gorgeous! I love your masks too. I just got back from a trip to New Orleans where I saw many masks and I must say, these are beautiful!

  2. Love the mask the most!
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