The summer has already left us - bu I'm still inspired,mah lovely septembet has passed as well - but mah heart is still bulging wid golden-shade feelings. Approximately the whole summer I was stickin somewhere in da middle of heaven-like land called Saint-Petersburg, where I had been drawin all this inspiration which one I'm transforming now in something that rly delights me. I'm damn content wid an activity lyk dat.
Owing 2 this exciting ghost of splendour that had been chasing me for da whole summer period, startin wid this mesmerizing architecture,culture,irresistibility of forms and snuggly feeling that pops up in ur chest every single moment u breath in and out the air of Saint-Pete - endin' up wid these up-to-date imposing boys and gurls, nonchalantly but seductively steppin down the streets;drunken hungouts,sunday-up markets and inscrutable fragrance of night life. uh! - I'm still immensly expressive despite this pale groggy period. October's in its blossom. But not in the hell it is blossom for sure))))
Kazansky Palace.
Was passin it almost every day on mah way to work. at about 7 a.m. The view i was obsurving - was irresistible.
I lived in different places , wid wid different-disperate ppl. Gorgeous ppl.each of them was a particular marvel wid its marvelous inwardness.Wanna leave a trace of mah ultimate rapture over here))
The sky above Sennaya. Was stuck there wid Olesja. then we got trashes as hell,I stood on a skateboard and broke mah knee. lol I was limpin for da whole week.That was irritatin me outta mah head!! But now I recollect it, breakin in smili.ah. Reminisce ))
at da very beginnin of mah brilliant stayin' over there - I was lucky to live for several days at Lyosha's. A gorgeous man.I'm still enamoured wid his personality. A desperate, rebellious,nonchalant 'bout da whole universe , but I was being perenially enchanted wid him.
Thnk u dear for sharin wid me ur room ,ur bed,ur mood.
Still remember the evening, when a boundary-pushin thunder had swept da city and we were gettin more and more curious, checkin it out. We were sorta lil rascals pickin up some adventures on our asses. haah.
Then da whole night long we were gettin boozed,screwing around and I was enjoyin the way u guys were nailin in singin oasis songs.
Still hav got this sign in mah note-book which Mitya was convincin me to put down!!!! ФУ-ФЫРИК(московское слэнговое)
- Fu-Fyirik (spoken. mainly moscowish) lol
wall in Lyosha's bed room.
Admirable disorder. A pretty mix of some clothes,bags and dust. And man brown purse on a foreground)))
Here we are. A grand collection af beer cans! A tad unusual for ordinar ppl))
An artie piece)
ma albums r on da lowest shelf. S'pose yhey 're still there:DD
A great plenty of things had been left in dat mesmerizin city, by accidend. lol
For one week of all the time mah everyday life was startin wid this cup and its contain)))
Either black bitter coffee or muesli or.....there were no "ors" at dat point. lol )))
I was livin at a rly stunning place.At Vasya's. I was studyin passionately his appartement cuz it was bulging wid his creative works,sketchers,pens,stickers and thngs lyk dat. This appartement was a perfect element to exist in)
Another magnificient place I was livin at was somewhere on the island of tunes,dreams and fairy-tales. The world of art on the bed-room walls.
mah role over here was to be zzzzzzzombiiiiiieeeee)))
ma bed. ma misserale art
mah leg- katy's back. and da sun's tickin' Katy's quuitarrr
this rose was given to me by a drunken idiot next to da shop where I once was buyin some stuff for spoilin our teeth( sthng that is called sweeeeets) at night.
But I rly appreciated it. I was delighted! woosah!
mah luvlies
killin sexy rock babes yea!!
delirious Julieeee
2 julies!
and this creature is da most precious 4 me.
Da kindest one ever. Love em so much. love dat days and night we used to spend t'gether))
Loveliest boy ever <3
hell yea mah nigga)
yer my oxygen (c)
Saint-Pete for life!
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