Just an endless world of fashion,art,photo-art literature......,which is flooded wid the ocean of rapture) espacially mine. lol)
I think that I'll never get tired or bored or weary of explorin it.
This very set of pics was called Forever Black..
I'm ofcourse apologising for everything if the redactors and other members of this brilliant magazin ever stumble across this and they wont like it. But I couldnt expressing my opinion on this account.
I was sorta inamoured wid this set of photos,incredible black! For surequite each of us knows that black is multifunctional colour,that can be combined wid any other colour and in harmony will make ya look in this or that way.
Black is my opinion is a colour of sexappeal,of mystery. That suits approximately everybody. And that makes ya look more elegant more chiky!!) Wear black! and be luxury-lookin!
what concerns this cap...unbelievable one. I was dazed when mah eyes slid on it)) I would wear it wid a diaphanous silky floral-print dress of the same colour spectrum.
Haah. this one made me smile)
I'd lyk to drink coke wid mah lovely Lagerfeld on the bottle.)
Conspicuous style!
Creative disorder. A disorder which I tend to call 'contemplative'))
A disorder which was caused by ur intense creation activity) Scattered scetchs, paints, pieces of fabrics,beads,.... and ofcourse the 'product' of ur pains is in the limelight,mmmm) Sheer pleasure. doncha find?
This stylish attribute couldnt help catchin mah eye!) cute
So I can express mah rapture for ages.
but finaly wanna THANK U anOthermag for fill me in the details and attributes of the world of fashin, art=*
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