Today I was dazed when accidently stumbled on one amazing thing,while rummagin' through the fertile net world. A photographer from London,who adheres traditional ways of photo-art and who uses no modern digital technics,but scanning) I was pleasantly surprised, cuz till dat very moment I thought that some effects,even simple ones r inevitable for makin ur shots so fuckin (pardon!!) adorable! ) Well I realize more nd more that there is a great plenty of stuff bout which ones I hav no clue) interesting! so am...where I was? Ellen Rogers,right! So I havent supposed that such immaculacy of image can be reached wid out effects and stuff lyk dat.Shots of Ellen Rogers,in mah opinion , is full of delicate sex-appeal and feminity* her works is sorta renascence of lost value of traditional photo-art. And for sure wanna demostrate some.
But they, I mean shots, r full of this savage mystery,doncha find,huh?)
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